
Fairway Infant School

School Values

The School Ethos

We believe that children need to be happy at school in order to get the best out of their education. As they are taught for most of the day in the same class, great importance is attached to the role of the class teacher in caring for them. All staff are sympathetic to the needs of the children and aim to create a friendly and secure atmosphere in which learning can take place. The learning environment is organised to make the best practical use of all areas, inside and outside. Teaching Assistants play a particular role in helping children in the classroom, in groups, at lunchtime and when they are unwell. There are well-established emergency procedures for contacting parents when necessary. Six members of staff are qualified in first aid.


The Culture and Ethos at Fairway creates an environment in which we have:

  • Care and respect by all for all.
  • High expectations of behaviour
  • An inclusive ethos
  • Involvement of pupils in decision making – having rights and responsibilities
  • A team that encourages and builds confidence
  • An atmosphere where mistakes can be made
  • A happy hard-working and valued team
  • A place to nurture the individual and celebrate success in all areas
  • Children and adults sharing ownership of rules
  • Recognition of the individual and individuality

The Aims and Ethos of Our School

“We are committed to making a real and positive difference to every child, everyday in a way that will help to guide them in their future.”

Our aims, which are built on providing our children with a consistent educational experience based on our Ethos, Whole School Policies, Inclusion, Equal Access, Equal Opportunities and Partnership, are:-

  • To create a happy, caring environment with learning and positive experiences for every child.
  • To ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve well.
  • To offer a broad, balanced and purposeful curriculum.
  • To teach children to develop an enquiring attitude, and to become independent learners.
  • To encourage active participation in their learning journey.
  • To develop self-awareness and sensitivity to others.
  • To develop a sense of self-respect, self-confidence and achievement.
  • To develop in children the ability to be contributing members of the community.
  • To instil in children respect for moral values. 