
Fairway Infant School

Transfer and Transition

Fairway has a planned programme of Transfer and Transition for children entering the school from local pre-school providers, with Copthorne Junior School and within the school for Reception and Year One classes.




In the year prior to entry to school, local pre-school leaders and the Reception Class teachers meet regularly to plan the appropriate provision for children who will be attending Fairway. These meetings take place in the summer term prior to entry to the reception class. Children’s needs are identified in order to ensure smooth transition.


Staff also have an opportunity to meet the children when they visit the preschool provider settings, during story time sessions and at the Early Year’s Summer Fair.


Developmental Records are transferred from pre-school settings to Fairway in order to continue the assessment process. SEN children are identified and discussed with outside agencies in the summer term prior to entry.


Junior School


Is your child due to transfer to Junior School in September 2025.  You can apply online from Monday 7th October 2024 at  The deadline to apply is Wednesday 15 January 2025. Please see leaflet below from West Sussex.


Transfer to Junior School


A similar programme of Transfer and Transition is planned during the year prior to the children leaving Fairway to go to Copthorne CE Junior School. Y2 and Y3 class teachers meet during the summer term to plan for the provision of all the children. The children in the Year 2 classes visit the school several times prior to transfer. They work with some of the junior school staff and have an opportunity to become familiar with the junior school environment. Records of progress and results of assessments, including End of Key Stage1 results, are shared with and passed on to the junior school in order to continue the assessment process and ensure smooth transition.


Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and children who are particularly anxious about the transfer make extra visits in small groups in order to build their confidence and allay any worries. Identified SEN children are discussed with outside agencies and the Special Needs Coordinator from the junior school in the summer term prior to transfer to Copthorne Junior School.




Transition within the School


A programme of transition is also planned within the school across the year groups. In the Summer term children are given the opportunity to work in their new class and with the staff they will be working with the following year. These sessions help the children feel confident in all settings within the school and with all members of staff.  

