
Fairway Infant School

Pupil Premium

What is it?

Pupil Premium Funding was introduced in April 2011 and is a grant allocated to schools in addition to main school funding and is intended to help disadvantaged pupils to "close the gap", to raise attainment and improve progress. 


In 2013, The DfE introduced Pupil Premium Plus for looked after and previously looked after children. In doing this, the DfE acknowledged the enduring impact of trauma and loss in children's lives and the key role of schools in supporting children who have had a difficult start to life.


Pupil Premium funding is allocated to 

  • Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years
  • Children who are in the care of the local authority or who have left care through adoption, or guardianship or residence orders.
  • Children of armed services personnel


Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium in any way they think will support raising the attainment for the most vulnerable pupils. 


When a child joins Fairway Infant School, parents will be required to complete a short form to check their eligibility.


If at any time, your circumstances change and you believe your child is now eligible, please complete the online form on West Sussex County Council's website:


WSCC Eligibilty for FSM


At Fairway Infant School we aim to give advantage to the disadvantaged and ensure that all our children have Equality of Opportunity and Equity of Access to achieve the same excellent outcomes as their peers, and leave us ready and equipped to flourish in their next stage of education.


There are many potential barriers to the under-achievement of Pupil Premium children. This may include a lack of educational support or an absence of funds to pay for enriching trips or experiences. Pupils may feel socially isolated because they are not receiving the same opportunities or experiences as their peers. There may be additional issues or a wide range of specific, complex factors that affect each individual. Our aim is to know each individual and their circumstances to make the best provision for them based on this knowledge.




