
Fairway Infant School


The more you know about the past,

the better prepared you are for the future.

Theodore Roosevelt


At Fairway Infant School, all aspects of our curriculum are intended to be inspiring, immersive, inclusive and interconnected. Our history curriculum intends to stimulate children’s natural curiosity and develop their understanding of how the world around them has changed and developed as they learn about the history of their local area, British history and significant international achievements that have shaped life today. We intend for our children to develop a strong sense of chronology, understanding of cause and effect, make comparisons between time periods and to examine how people have changed over time and learned from the past. We intend for our children to build independent enquiry skills, think critically, use a range of sources effectively, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement as they learn about historical events and significant individuals from the past. Clearly identified ‘sticky knowledge’ defines what we intend for them to learn and remember and key questions provide a clear line of enquiry to focus each lesson. Where history acts as a driver for our immersive, topic based approach, it aims to inspire and challenge children and provide a platform for their learning across the curriculum.

Sticky Knowledge and Progression of Skills
