Inclusion & Special Educational Needs
Mrs Jo Botley is our SENDCO.
I work with children and staff across the school to identify needs, ensure that pupils are supported where necessary and that these interventions are effective. If you have any concerns about your child please speak to their class teacher. If you are still concerned then please contact me by email on
In this section you will find information on Special Educational Needs and information for parents/carers to support their child. You will also find information about the West Sussex Local Offer.
Here at Fairway, we use the West Sussex Graduated Response approach to SEND Provision to ensure we:
- Emphasise the importance of quality first teaching through Rosenshine’s Principles of Effective Instruction and Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice (OAIP) - West Sussex County Council.
assess all pupils against the five stages to ensure appropriate provision
check the accuracy of the school’s SEND Register
ensure class teachers are responsible for the provision of all learners, including those pupils with SEND
outline and communicate expectations for different stages of provision
clarify assessment and monitoring systems at different stages and who is responsible
enable senior leaders to check provision for identified pupils as part of pupil progress meetings
provide early intervention to prevent pupils from developing a special educational need
clarify provision where lack of progress for individual pupils is causing concern
ensure that additional support is time limited and rooted in a Cycle of Assess Plan Do Review, in line with the SEND Code of Practice.
ensure that all pupils are monitored closely and no pupil ‘falls through the net’.
SEND Policy and SEND Information Report
The latest versions of these documents can be found by clicking on the links below.