
Fairway Infant School

Year Two

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page. Our Year 2 classes are Fox class taught by Miss Harden and Badger class taught by Mrs Cheyney and Ms Madigan.




As year 2 is the last year at Fairway we aim to make it memorable with a fun and engaging curriculum which builds on the children’s interests and enjoyment. Our curriculum is topic based which means we link learning across different subjects to provide a more holistic and interconnected experience for children. This approach helps pupils to see the relevance and applicability of what they are learning, making learning more meaningful. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum and we aim to further enhance this with additional opportunities such as sports tournaments, educational visitors to the school and off site trips.  Daily lessons include Phonics, Literacy and Maths. We encourage you to support your children with this at home through daily reading, spellings and Numbots and Timestable Rockstars.


Year 2 marks the last year children spend in Key Stage 1 and therefore it is where we formally assess their progress in relation to the end of Key Stage 1 expectations. Meeting the end of Key Stage 1 expectations ensures that children have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in core subjects, which will enable them to progress smoothly to Key Stage 2. We use a range of methods to assess pupil’s learning in year 2 and combine both SATS test data with the professional judgement of the teachers who have detailed knowledge of your child’s progress, academic successes and the next step in their learning. 


This half term our topic is ‘Incredible Ice’. This is mostly a Geography based topic where we are learning to:

  • Name and locate the 7 continents

  • Name and locate the world’s 5 oceans.

  • Use an atlas and a globe to find the Arctic and Antarctica and learn more about their climates and how they differ from each other. 

  • To describe global and local habitats and learn about the plants and animals that live there.

  • Identify microhabitats and where these are in our school grounds.

  • Find out about animal adaptation and how things become suited to their environment.


