At Fairway Infant School, it is our vision for all children to be given the opportunity to become independent and resilient mathematicians, with the confidence to attempt any mathematical problem using the ’tools’ they have been equipped with during their time with us.
We teach Maths using the White Rose Maths Scheme, which is based on a small steps approach so concepts are broken down and taught and then applied through daily problem solving activities which require deeper thinking and the application of skills. This approach allows the children to acquire a deep, long-term, secure understanding of the concepts and to apply the skills taught.
Our Maths curriculum has been designed to support and challenge all children and is built on the belief that EVERYONE can learn maths successfully, by building number fluency, confidence and understanding, step by step. By taking a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach, White Rose Maths allows children to tackle concepts in a tangible and accessible way.
All new learning builds on previously taught knowledge and skills and children have lots of opportunities to recognise relationships between topics.
In the Early Years, carefully planned, high quality maths opportunities in the environment are key to enabling the children to experience these new concepts using the tools they have been taught during direct teaching time, small groups or whole class sessions. Purposeful and meaningful experiences are given to enable the children to practise and consolidate new knowledge and skills and transfer these across the curriculum.
Useful information for parents
Useful websites with games and activities for children