
Fairway Infant School


Our vision at Fairway is for all our children to be given the opportunity to become independent and resilient mathematicians, with the confidence to identify and attempt any mathematical problem using the ’tools’ they have been equipped with during their time with us.

They will be taught through meaningful maths experiences and opportunities, shaping the way they see maths in their everyday lives, allowing them to understand that it is fundamental in the world in which we live.

We will endeavour to ensure all children have a ‘can do’ attitude in Maths and the belief they can attain well they just might not be able to do it ‘yet’.  Through the continual mastering of their maths curriculum they can develop a deeper understanding and a positive attitude that will stay with them for life.

Maths is planned from the National Curriculum and White Rose; however, the needs of the children are identified and then the maths is planned for using these documents, carefully and creatively linking it to the topic or the children’s interests.  The maths provision in the environment and through direct teaching addresses the aims of the National Curriculum in terms of fluency, reasoning and problem solving through a concrete, pictorial and abstract cycle. The class work together on the same key point, whilst at the same time challenging and supporting pupils to gain depth of understanding and proficiency.

In the Early Years the environment is key in enabling the children to experience these new concepts using the tools they have been taught during direct teaching time, be it in small groups or whole class sessions. Purposeful and meaningful experiences are given to enable the children to practise and consolidate new knowledge and skills and transfer these across the curriculum.

Useful information for parents

Useful websites with games and activities for children
