
Fairway Infant School


Each year we admit 60 children to our reception classes. Children are admitted to the Reception classes in the academic year they will turn 5 years of age.


We encourage children to visit the school before they are admitted to familiarise themselves with the building, and the staff who will be caring for them. In the summer term before your child is admitted to the school they will be invited to visit us for part of the school day.


Applications for reception places starting in September 2025 open on Monday 7th October 2024 and must be submitted by January 15th 2025. Applications for admission will follow the West Sussex County Council's usual admission process.


WSCC School Admissions


The admissions policy of this school complies with current policy in West Sussex. Admission to the school is co-ordinated by the Pupil Admission Team based in Horsham. 

If you live outside West Sussex and wish to apply for a place, you must apply through your home local authority. 


Applying for a place outside this time scale

Applying for a place outside of the above process should be done through west Sussex County Council's Admission team. They will let you know if we have any places available in the year group required. If we do not have a place available for your child, then you will be available to request a place on our waiting list. Places are determined following West Sussex criteria.


WSCC In year admission applications


SEND School Places

The great majority of pupils with some form of special educational need participate fully in mainstream schools, with help appropriate to the special needs. This includes most children for whom the Authority has issued an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If your child has an EHCP and is about to start school, they will most likely attend a mainstream school. A minority of children with EHCPs may need provision that is only available in one of our special schools or a specialist centre attached to a school. If your child has an EHCP, you have a legal right to say which school you would prefer. Although WSCC is responsible for deciding which school they should attend, most often parent’s preference will coincide with what is provided. WSCC will try to arrange school admissions for children with EHCPs earlier in the year than other pupils so that they can take account of your preference and your child’s particular needs. If your child has an EHCP, you should already have been contacted by the SEN team. If not please contact your caseworker or planning officer (if known) or use the general number for the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team for Crawley, Burgess Hill, Horsham East, Haywards Heath, Cuckfield, East Grinstead.



Transport matters for children attending this school are dealt with by the Transport Co-ordination Group based in County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RF. They can be contacted on 01243 753530 or

Details of the transport provision can be found on the West Sussex County Council website. 


Transfer to Junior School 

In your child’s final year at Fairway Infant School (Year 2) you will be sent details of how to apply for a place at Junior School.  This will be sent out via Fairway Infant School. Online applications can be made from October in the year your child is in Year 2 for entry to Junior school (Year 3).


For the purposes of Admissions Fairway and Copthorne Junior Schools are “linked schools”.  This means that pupils in Year 2 at Fairway should be offered a place for Year 3 at Copthorne CE Junior School, although this will depend on the number of other applications considered against the school’s admissions criteria.


Key Dates
