
Fairway Infant School

Late/Absence Procedures


Any child arriving after 8:55am will need to come in through the main entrance to be signed in at the office and will be marked as late in the register. Children arriving after 9:00am will be marked in the register as Unauthorised absence, unless you have contacted the school in advance to explain why they will be arriving late.


Please make every effort to arrive on time as late arrivals can disrupt the rest of the class and children can miss the briefing session by the teacher at the start of the day.



If your child is absent from school please notify the office before 9:15am.  Please tell us your child’s name and class or teachers name. Please ensure you call each morning your child is absent. 


If your child is sick or has diarrhoea they must stay away from school for 48 hours after the last time they were sick or had diarrhoea. (Guidance from Health Protection Agency). This is to prevent the spread of the illness around the school.


Unexplained absences are always followed up.


Absence During Term Time

Under Government Regulations schools cannot authorise holidays during term time.  Parents should only apply for time off from learning in exceptional circumstances. If parents take their children out of school for holidays this will be recorded as unauthorised.


Parents could be fined a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60 (if paid within 21 days) or £120 after that for unauthorised absences or for failing to ensure that their children attend school regularly.  This is per parent and per child.


These regulations do not include sickness or medical appointments.  If your child is sick or has a medical appointment please ring the school in the usual manner. 


Parents are asked to think carefully about removing children from school. For each day missed, it is a missed educational experience and it is very difficult for this to be made up. 


