
Fairway Infant School

Our Curriculum

At Fairway Infant School, our whole school curriculum is designed to be inspiring, immersive, interconnected and inclusive for every child, every day.

We intend to develop learners who are Resilient, Independent, Curious and Kind and leave our school as inquisitive, articulate and confident individuals who love learning and are prepared for the next stage of their education.


Our curriculum is bespoke to the needs, and context, of the children in our school community, and focusses on supporting the children’s wider personal development and positive sense of self whilst also meeting the subject specific requirements for knowledge, skills and understanding as outlined in the National Curriculum and EYFS through thought provoking topics and real and relevant experiences that take them beyond the classroom.


We aim to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of all children and embed our core values, as well as British Values, as they learn and grow so that they develop an understanding of, and respect for, themselves, each other, their community and the wider world.


Our curriculum is intended to be:


Broad and Balanced

Carefully Sequenced





Ultimately, our curriculum intends to provide a positive start to our children's school journey, respond to their bespoke needs and to prepare them effectively for the next stage of their education. We intend to develop learners who are confident, inquisitive, articulate and independent, who achieve their individual potential, make positive contributions to their school and wider community and leave us with a genuine love of learning.
